caesium package¶
caesium.document module¶
- class caesium.document.AsyncRevisionStackManager(settings)¶
Bases: object
Find revisions for any document type and action the revision
- publish(*args, **kwargs)¶
Iterate over the scheduler collections and apply any actions found
- publish_for_collection(*args, **kwargs)¶
Run the publishing operations for a given collection
Parameters: collection_name (str) –
- set_all_revisions_to_in_process(*args, **kwargs)¶
Set all revisions found to in process, so that other threads will not pick them up.
Parameters: ids (list) –
- class caesium.document.AsyncSchedulableDocumentRevisionStack(collection_name, settings, collection_schema=None, master_id=None)¶
Bases: object
This class manages a stack of revisions for a given document in a given collection
- DELETE_ACTION = 'delete'¶
- INSERT_ACTION = 'insert'¶
- SCHEMA = {'required': ['toa', 'processed', 'collection', 'master_id', 'action', 'patch'], 'type': 'object', 'properties': {'master_id': {'type': 'string'}, 'snapshot': {'type': 'object'}, 'processed': {'type': 'boolean'}, 'action': {'type': 'string'}, 'meta': {'type': 'object'}, 'toa': {'type': 'number'}, 'collection': {'type': 'string'}, 'patch': {'type': ['object', 'null']}}, 'title': 'Schedulable Revision Document'}¶
- UPDATE_ACTION = 'update'¶
- list(*args, **kwargs)¶
Return all revisions for this stack
Parameters: - toa (int) – The time of action as a UTC timestamp
- show_history (bool) – Whether to show historical revisions
- peek(*args, **kwargs)¶
Return the top object on the stack for this ID
Returns: The next revision Return type: dict
- pop(*args, **kwargs)¶
Pop the top revision off the stack back onto the collection at the given id. This method applies the action.
Note: This assumes you don’t have two revisions scheduled closer than a single scheduling cycle.
- preview(*args, **kwargs)¶
Get an ephemeral preview of a revision with all revisions applied between it and the current state
Parameters: revision_id (str) – The ID of the revision state you want to preview the master id at. Returns: A snapshot of a future state of the object Return type: dict
- push(*args, **kwargs)¶
Push a change on to the revision stack for this ObjectId. Pushing onto the stack is how you get revisions to be staged and scheduled for some future time.
Parameters: - patch (dict) – None Denotes Delete
- toa (int) – Time of action
- meta (dict) – The meta data for this action
- class caesium.document.BSONEncoder(skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, encoding='utf-8', default=None)¶
Bases: json.encoder.JSONEncoder
BSONEncorder is used to transform certain value types to a more desirable format
- default(obj, **kwargs)¶
Handles the adapting of special types from mongo
- class caesium.document.BaseAsyncMotorDocument(collection_name, settings, schema=None, scheduleable=False)¶
Bases: object
Concrete abstract class for a mongo collection and document interface
This class simplifies the use of the motor library, encoding/decoding special types, etc
- create_index(*args, **kwargs)¶
Create an index on a given attribute
Parameters: - index (str) – Attribute to set index on
- index_type (str) – See PyMongo index types for further information, defaults to GEO2D index.
- delete(*args, **kwargs)¶
Delete a document or create a DELETE revision
Parameters: _id (str) – The ID of the document to be deleted Returns: JSON Mongo client response including the “n” key to show number of objects effected
- find(*args, **kwargs)¶
Find a document by any criteria
Parameters: - query (dict) – The query to perform
- orderby (str) – The attribute to order results by
- order_by_direction (int) – 1 or -1
- page (int) – The page to return
- limit (int) – Number of results per page
Returns: A list of results
Return type: list
- find_one(*args, **kwargs)¶
Find one wrapper with conversion to dictionary
Parameters: query (dict) – A Mongo query
- find_one_by_id(*args, **kwargs)¶
Find a single document by id
Parameters: _id (str) – BSON string repreentation of the Id Returns: a signle object Return type: dict
- insert(*args, **kwargs)¶
Create a document
Parameters: - dct (dict) –
- toa (toa) – Optional time of action, triggers this to be handled as a future insert action for a new document
- comment (str) – A comment
Rtype str: Returns string bson id:
- location_based_search(*args, **kwargs)¶
Search based on location and other attribute filters
Parameters: - lng (long) – Longitude parameter
- lat (long) – Latitude parameter
- distance (int) – The radius of the query
- unit (str) – The unit of measure for the query, defaults to miles
- attribute_map (dict) – Additional attributes to apply to the location bases query
- page (int) – The page to return
- limit (int) – Number of results per page
Returns: List of objects
Return type: list
- patch(*args, **kwargs)¶
Update an existing document via a $set query, this will apply only these attributes.
Parameters: - predicate_value – The value of the predicate
- attrs (dict) – The dictionary to apply to this object
- predicate_attribute (str) – The attribute to query for to find the object to set this data ond
Returns: JSON Mongo client response including the “n” key to show number of objects effected
- update(*args, **kwargs)¶
Update an existing document
Parameters: - predicate_value – The value of the predicate
- dct (dict) – The dictionary to update with
- upsert (bool) – Whether this is an upsert action
- attribute (str) – The attribute to query for to find the object to set this data ond
Returns: JSON Mongo client response including the “n” key to show number of objects effected
- upsert(*args, **kwargs)¶
Update or Insert a new document
Parameters: - _id (str) – The document id
- dct (dict) – The dictionary to set on the document
- attribute (str) – The attribute to query for to find the object to set this data on
Returns: JSON Mongo client response including the “n” key to show number of objects effected
- exception caesium.document.DocumentRevisionDeleteFailed¶
Bases: exceptions.Exception
Occurs when the async delete process fails
- exception caesium.document.DocumentRevisionInsertFailed¶
Bases: exceptions.Exception
Occurs when the revisioned document insert fails
- exception caesium.document.NoRevisionsAvailable¶
Bases: exceptions.Exception
No Revisions Available
- exception caesium.document.RevisionActionNotValid¶
Bases: exceptions.Exception
Invalid revision type
- exception caesium.document.RevisionNotFound¶
Bases: exceptions.Exception
Revision was not found
- exception caesium.document.RevisionNotFoundException¶
Bases: exceptions.Exception
- exception caesium.document.RevisionUpdateFailed¶
Bases: exceptions.Exception
Occurs whena revision update cannot be applied
caesium.handler module¶
- class caesium.handler.BaseBulkScheduleableUpdateHandler(application, request, **kwargs)¶
Bases: caesium.handler.BaseHandler
Bulk update objects by id and patch
- delete(*args, **kwargs)¶
Update many objects with a single toa
Parameters: bulk_id (str) – The bulk id for the job you want to delete
- initialize()¶
- put(*args, **kwargs)¶
Update many objects with a single PUT.
Example Request:
{ "ids": ["52b0ede98ac752b358b1bd69", "52b0ede98ac752b358b1bd70"], "patch": { "foo": "bar" } }
- class caesium.handler.BaseHandler(application, request, **kwargs)¶
Bases: tornado.web.RequestHandler
A class to collect common handler methods that can be useful in your individual implementation, this includes functions for working with query strings and Motor/Mongo type documents
- arg_as_array(arg, split_char='|')¶
Turns an argument into an array, split by the splitChar
Parameters: - arg (str) – The name of the query param you want to turn into an array based on the value
- split_char (str) – The character the value should be split on.
Returns: A list of values
Return type: list
- get_arg_value_as_type(key, default=None, convert_int=False)¶
Allow users to pass through truthy type values like true, yes, no and get to a typed variable in your code
Parameters: val (str) – The string reprensentation of the value you want to convert Returns: adapted value Return type: dynamic
- get_current_user()¶
Gets the current user from the secure cookie store
Returns: user name for logged in user Return type: str
- get_dict_of_all_args()¶
Generates a dictionary from a handler paths query string and returns it
Returns: Dictionary of all key/values in arguments list Return type: dict
- get_json_argument(name, default=None)¶
Find and return the argument with key ‘name’ from JSON request data. Similar to Tornado’s get_argument() method.
Parameters: - name (str) – The name of the json key you want to get the value for
- default (bool) – The default value if nothing is found
Returns: value of the argument name request
- get_mongo_query_from_arguments(reserved_attributes=[])¶
Generate a mongo query from the given URL query parameters, handles OR query via multiples
Parameters: reserved_attributes (list) – A list of attributes you want to exclude from this particular query Returns: dict
- group_objects_by(list, attr, valueLabel='value', childrenLabel='children')¶
Generates a group object based on the attribute value on of the given attr value that is passed in.
Parameters: - list (list) – A list of dictionary objects
- attr (str) – The attribute that the dictionaries should be sorted upon
- valueLabel (str) – What to call the key of the field we’re sorting upon
- childrenLabel (str) – What to call the list of child objects on the group object
Returns: list of grouped objects by a given attribute
Return type: list
- initialize()¶
- json_obj_to_cursor(json)¶
(Deprecated) Converts a JSON object to a mongo db cursor
Parameters: json (str) – A json string Returns: dictionary with ObjectId type Return type: dict
- list_cursor_to_json(cursor)¶
Convenience method for converting a mongokit or pymongo list cursor into a JSON object for return :param Cursor cursor: A motor client database cursor
- load_json()¶
Load JSON from the request body and store them in self.request.arguments, like Tornado does by default for POSTed form parameters.
If JSON cannot be decoded
Raises ValueError: JSON Could not be decoded
- obj_cursor_to_json(cursor)¶
Handle conversion of pymongo cursor into a JSON object formatted for UI consumption
Parameters: cursor (Cursor) – A motor client database cursor
- raise_error(status=500, message='Generic server error. Out of luck...')¶
Sets an error status and returns a message to the user in JSON format
Parameters: - status (int) – The status code to use
- message (str) – The message to return in the JSON response
- return_resource(resource, status=200, statusMessage='OK')¶
Return a resource response
Parameters: - resource (str) – The JSON String representation of a resource response
- status (int) – Status code to use
- statusMessage (str) – The message to use in the error response
Standard Unauthorized response
Parameters: message (str) – The Message to use in the error response
- write_hyper_response(links=, []meta={}, entity_name=None, entity=None, notifications=, []actions=[])¶
Writes a hyper media response object
Parameters: - links (list) – A list of links to the resources
- meta (dict) – The meta data for this response
- entity_name (str) – The entity name
- entity (object) – The Entity itself
- notifications (list) – List of notifications
- actions (list) – List of actions
- class caesium.handler.BaseMotorSearch(application, request, **kwargs)¶
Bases: caesium.handler.BaseHandler
Handles searching of the stores endpoint
- get(*args, **kwargs)¶
Standard search end point for a resource of any type, override this get method as necessary in any specifc sub class. This is mostly here as a convenience for basic querying functionality on attribute
example URL:
will create a query of:
{ "attr1": "foo", "attr2": true }
- initialize()¶
Initializer for the Search Handler
- class caesium.handler.BaseRestfulMotorHandler(application, request, **kwargs)¶
Bases: caesium.handler.BaseHandler
Handles the restful endpoints for a mongo document resource, also has some concerns on how to handle document revision scheduling.
- delete(*args, **kwargs)¶
Delete a resource by bson id :raises: 404 Not Found :raises: 400 Bad request :raises: 500 Server Error
- get(*args, **kwargs)¶
Get an by object by unique identifier
Id string id: the bson id of an object Return type: JSON
- initialize()¶
Initialize the base handler
- post(*args, **kwargs)¶
Create a new object resource
Json: Object to create Returns: json string representation Return type: JSON
- put(*args, **kwargs)¶
Update a resource by bson ObjectId
Returns: json string representation Return type: JSON
- class caesium.handler.BaseRevisionList(application, request, **kwargs)¶
Bases: caesium.handler.BaseRestfulMotorHandler
- get(*args, **kwargs)¶
Get a list of revisions by master ID
Parameters: master_id – Returns:
- initialize()¶
Initializer for the Search Handler
- class caesium.handler.RevisionHandler(application, request, **kwargs)¶
Bases: caesium.handler.BaseRestfulMotorHandler
- delete(*args, **kwargs)¶
Delete a revision by ID
Parameters: id – BSON id Returns:
- get(*args, **kwargs)¶
Get revision based on the stack preview algorithm
Parameters: id – BSON id Returns: JSON
- initialize()¶
Initializer for the Search Handler
- post(*args, **kwargs)¶
Create a revision manually without the stack
Parameters: id – BSON id Returns: JSON
- put(*args, **kwargs)¶
Update a revision by ID
Parameters: id – BSON id Returns: